Selasa, 03 Oktober 2017

5 Simple Get Pregnant Tips for Women Wishing to Conceive After Using Birth Control Methods

So you and your partner have made the decision to start a family and you want a few get pregnant tips. You may currently be using birth control methods for safe sex and to protect yourself from an unplanned pregnancy. This may well have been the case for some time and this is normal. However, now that you and your partner have made that life changing decision to start a family, you must consider coming off whatever method of birth control you have opted to use in the past. This is not necessarily an easy thing to do and it can be a daunting decision for you to make. This is especially the case if you have been using hormonal birth control methods, such as oral contraceptives. These oral contraceptives are more commonly referred to as the pill. Here are some helpful guidance notes for those of you who want to get off birth control for the purposes of conceiving.

    Tip 1 Complete your current cycle of oral contraceptives.

It is now widely recognised from clinical studies that it is advisable to complete your current cycle of birth control pills. Don't stop taking the pills part way through the cycle. It is believed there may be some slight dangers involved when pills are discontinued in mid-cycle. Since these pills are hormonal in nature there could be an impact on the level of bleeding sustained and finishing the cycle should reduce this risk.

    Tip 2 Try to stop taking the pill at least three months before you plan to conceive.

In a perfect world you will plan the conception of your baby for about three months from when you stop taking the pill. This will then allow your body to resume its natural hormonal cycle, which is an important factor for your body as a whole. In addition this "breathing space" will allow for any traces of residual hormones from the pill to get out of your system. It is a sensible step to stop in advance of conceiving to allow your body to stabilise so you can regulate your ovulation in order to chart when are you most fertile.

    Tip 3 Use an alternative method of contraception until the time you want to conceive.

This may seem an odd request and it is often overlooked by many couples, but you need to avoid earlier conception than you had planned. As described in the point above your body needs a short period of time for adjustment before conception. Barrier methods such as condoms are an ideal choice and should prevent you from getting pregnant while your body is still trying to get accustomed to life without the pill. There is a distinct psychological advantage to be gained here in using a reliable alternative method of birth control for the few months before you try to get pregnant. It puts your mind at ease and shields you from the constant worry about if you are pregnant or not. Often when you come off the pill you may experience irregular or even missed periods for a short space of time. However they do not necessarily mean you are pregnant. So, for the sake of your peace of mind, use condoms for a few months.

    Tip 4 Take care of your lifestyle.

By this I mean that you should start a regime of healthy eating, drinking and exercising. This is a massive topic in itself, but it is sufficient for me to suggest that you embark on a healthy lifestyle geared to your individual needs. Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables and drink plenty of water. Exercise is good! Don't overdo it, but regular gentle exercise will help you enormously later down the line when you are pregnant.

    Tip 5 Cut out the bad things!

If you are a smoker then stop now, don't wait till you get pregnant. Ensure your consumption of alcohol and caffeine is kept to a minimum. Your ability to conceive could well be affected by these factors. I don't want to preach to you here but, believe me, it is so important that you get your body into the best possible condition in preparation for conceiving.

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